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Spiritual Interiority -

Through this project I will be challenging the pre-existing & “traditional” notions of design that’s associated with interiors or spaces that revolve around religious worship and spiritual exploration - in order to cater to a humans personal experience within this type of interiority.


It’s a matter of challenging interior familiarity of traditional spaces associated with religion and worship, in the most contextually sensitive and considered way possible. My intention is provide a modern/contemporary alternative of a physical space for practicing spirituality.

In this particular investigation I wanted to capture the human response as an interior itself, each movement made whilst "practicing spirituality". This was done in order document physical gestures and motions produced that relate specifically to how one may interact and experience their own personal interior while reading and praying & worshipping.

A series of body movements were caputured through still frames of a video taken of the process.

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Prayer Ex 1.jpg
Prayer Ex 2.jpg
Prayer Ex Bits 1.jpg
Prayer Ex Bits 2.jpg
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